growing kids. building families.
Family Ministries' Purpose
Our ministry exists to allow kids to experience and learn about the amazing love of Jesus in a fun and safe environment. We offer fun, interactive, hands-on Bible lessons that are age appropriate, relevant and easy to apply to today. We believe parents are the number one influence in kids’ lives and we love partnering with them to nurture their child’s faith journey!
In-person Worship and Sunday School
*We will have only one combined worship service on Sunday, 12/29 at 10am with Sunday School for infants - 5th grade. We will resume our regular worship schedule in January.
Join us Sundays!
- 9:00 and 11:15am / Infants – 4-yearolds will meet in the Nursery in Room 304.
- 9:00 and 11:15am Sunday School for kids K – 5th grade. Currently these ages will be in the Family Life Center (gym) for Sunday School
- Our 9am Grapple kids (4th and 5th) enjoy lessons targeted specifically to preteens, to help them “grapple” with their faith questions as they begin to own it for themselves!
Bring your copy of the check-in tag, match it up with your child’s tag, and you’ll be on your way!
Online Sunday School
Family Ministries offers Online Sunday School in addition to Sunday School in person. We hope this will be helpful for those Sundays when you are out of town or just can’t get to church! There are videos and parent discussion guides for three age groups, and you can watch whenever is convenient for your schedule. Join our Family Ministries newsletter to receive an email from Vicki Cromarty on Saturday mornings with links. Sign up for the newsletter here.
Parents' Night Out (PNO)
Every quarter we host a Parents' Night Out, allowing parents the opportuntity to have a date night, catch up with a friend, take some time for Christmas shopping, or just simply take a break for a few hours. The cost is $5 per child and includes pizza, a movie, and a craft. Be sure to sign up for our Family Ministries weekly newsletter to stay in the know of when these events are happening.
Kids learn the importance of serving others through our mission projects throughout the year. Some are annual projects we all look forward to, such as
- making and selling Christmas cookie mix jars to benefit orphanages in Kenya, India and Romania
- participating in quarterly Mission Moments during our Community Time on Sundays at 10:15am
- opportunities to serve during our annual serve weekend
sundays / li'l kids infants - 4 year olds
9:00 & 11:15am / Infants - 4 years olds will meet in the Nursery in Room 304.
For Infants - 4 Year Olds
Our Infant to 4 year olds ministry is all about fun. Fun is the language of kids and teaching kids about God is ours. Put the two together and add a fun, biblically-based curriculum like "Orange" and you get our Infant to Kindergarten Sunday School program. Our classes offer engaging Bible stories and "activating faith" activities that reach kids and direct them toward becoming followers of Christ.
We use the Orange Curriculum. Orange is the yellow light of the church and the red heart of the parent working together to grow faith in our children.
In our Infant – 4 year olds ministry, we want your kids to grow up understanding that: God Made Them, God Loves Them, and Jesus Wants to Be Their Friend Forever!
Our curriculum utilizes age appropriate Bible Story videos and activities, with an emphasis on how kids can relate the message to their own lives.
Our nursery ministry not only provides loving care on Sunday mornings, but also teaches your child about God and his Word. We make the most of the opportunities that God gives us to tell and sing about God's love for them. We incorporate sensory activities, toys, music, and movement with age-appropriate Bible stories to help children experience God's love and learn going to church is fun.
Sundays / Kids Kindergarten-5th Grade
9:00 & 11:15am / Kindergarten - 5th grade meet meet in the Family Life Center (gym) for Sunday School.
Helping Kids Love Church
When you bring your children to any of our two Sunday school hours (9am and 11:15am) you will find a safe and engaging environment of staff and caring volunteers. Our goal is to help kids realize learning about Jesus and coming to church is really FUN!
Elementary Sunday School
We use Orange Curriculum for Infants – 5th grade. Orange is the yellow light of the church and the red heart of the parent working together to grow faith in our children.
In our K-5 ministry, we want your kids to group up: Making Wiser Choices, Building Stronger Relationships, Developing a Deeper Faith.
Our curriculum utilizes age appropriate Bible Story videos and activities with an emphasis on how kids can relate the message to their own lives.
Music and Worship Time
All kids have music and worship time during each Sunday school hour in which we learn and sing songs of worship together. We hope to bring this back by soon!
Safety and Security
We have a check-in and check-out system in place to ensure your child's safety and well being. Every family will need to register their children at a check-in station before any class or activity participation can begin.
Trained Staff
Our staff have been trained to meet our teaching and care standards. Every teacher and volunteer has passed a back ground inspection and align with our values and mission in ministry. Your children's spiritual growth and care is extremely important to our staff and we are grateful for the opportunity to help nurture your children.
Serving Kids
If you'd love to volunteer your time and gifts, we'd be happy to help you find the right area(s) to serve in the children's ministry. Please EMAIL or submit an I WANT TO SERVE sign-up.
Contact Director of Family Ministries
If you'd like to learn more about family ministries and kids programs, please contact Vicki Cromarty, Director of Family Ministries by EMAIL or 720-880-5227.