Growing and Living Life Together
We know how important it is for adults to feel connected to others and build meaningful, lasting relationships. Our adult small groups help people build community, grow their faith in Jesus and share life together. We believe adult lives are enriched when they are involved in communities with other Christ followers.
let us help you find a small group
We are here to make it easy for you to find a group that matches your stage of live, interests and gathering times or location.
2025 Lent Small Group Descriptions (downloadable PDF)
2025 Winter Small Group Descriptions (downloadable PDF)
Ongoing Small Groups Available (downloadable PDF)
Ongoing Sunday Morning Adult Small Groups - Join anytime!
- Faith Links: 10:15am in Room 203
- Homebuilders: 10:15am in Room 106
- Young Professionals (20s/30s) in Room 101
(Be sure to check out our Community Time Schedule for any changes to meeting times for the above groups.)
Want to learn more about Adult Small Groups? Contact Thomas Cross, Pastor of Discipleship by EMAIL or 720-880-5221.
We’re excited to provide you free access to RightNow Media, a wonderful library of video resources for all ages from churches and pastors all across the country, to help you develop and grow as both a disciple of Jesus. Streaming directly to your computer, tablet, or mobile device, you’ll find the online Bible Study Library includes relevant content for every age group or spiritual season. You can search by category, topic, or speaker. Additionally, many of the series have direct links to workbooks and leader guides. Parents, you’ll find that RightNow has a multitude of videos and resources for your kids. Utilize this link to start using this resource today: Click Here
Broomfield UMC offers Amplify! Amplify is an online platform featuring videos for a wide variety of Wesleyan Bible studies and Small Groups. Video content includes favorite authors such as Adam Hamilton. To subscribe, visit and enter the access code NCWJVZ to set up your user name and password. Then start streaming today!
Small Group Available
We believe small groups build true Christian community and help people walk with Christ. Broomfield UMC offers many other groups to suit a wide variety of interests and needs. Check out all our group offerings below. Groups welcome new members and you can register by contacting the group leader.
Anthem Bible Group. The group meets in members' homes at 10am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings of the month with 30 minutes of socializing over refreshments, followed by a one-hour discussion. Susan Roth and Marv Truhe typically take turns leading the group, and other members are welcome to do so when they desire. If you live in Anthem Ranch and are looking for new friendships and learning opportunities, contact Marv Truhe ( so you can receive updates on the schedule and meeting locations. All Anthem residents are welcome to participate!
Bible and Bagels. Bible and Bagels is a monthly Community Time group designed for informal learning and theological reflection. Join Thomas Cross on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30am in the Chapel for bagels and cream cheese, a brief essay for reading, and lively discussion. All are welcome to participate! To be included on the Bible and Bagels email notification list, contact Thomas Cross (
Books and Brews. Books and Brews is an informal group that meets throughout the year. The group selects a Christian book and discusses it over multiple sessions at local breweries. This group is open to individuals and couples who enjoy learning and fellowship in a relaxed setting. Meetings take place on select Sundays at 6pm. Contact Darren Duplechin ( to learn about the current study and to get on the text reminder list for upcoming gatherings!
Boomer-Zoomer Coffee Club. If you are 60+, you belong to the generation called Boomers. If you are 79+, you are a member of the Silent Generation. If you are 97+, you belong to the Greatest Generation. If you belong to any of these generations, the Boomer-Zoomer Coffee Club is designed for you! The Boomer-Zoomer Coffee Club, sponsored by Broomfield UMC, is scheduled to meet on-line using Zoom at 10-11:30am on the first Thursday of the month. The purpose is to generate and deepen friendships and community among our seniors and to keep on learning, growing and laughing. The program will include interviews, book reviews, spiritual exercises, birthday celebrations, music, small group conversations, Zoom-arounds, and holiday parties and other activities. If interested, sign up by contacting Thomas Cross ( and a Zoom link will be sent to you. Please include your phone number and your birthday; birthdays will be recognized at the monthly meetings. Be sure to bring your mug of coffee, tea or Coke Zero. For more information contact Michele Parish Zuniga (
The Chosen Bible Study: Season Two. The Chosen Bible Study Group begins discussing a new season of episodes on October 21, 2024. The group, which began at the beginning of the year, will wrap up Season One on September 16 and October 7, and move to Season Two on October 21. Members of the group watch each selected episode in advance, reflect upon it using a study guide, and then gather for discussion and inspiration. The study guide is available on the literature rack for $10. Season Two focuses upon the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus’ early evangelistic work. Meetings are select Mondays, 6:30–7:45pm; we welcome new members. Explore new perspectives on Jesus and His disciples using this fascinating video series. Scheduled meeting dates to discuss Season Two are Oct. 21, Nov. 4, Dec. 2 & 16, Jan. 6, Feb. 3, March 3, April 7, and May 5. For more information or to register, Contact Thomas Cross (
Days for Girls Group. The Days for Girls group meets on second Wednesday afternoons, 2-4pm in Room 201. The group makes washable, reusable feminine hygiene kits for women and girls in developing countries. Each kit contains two pairs of panties, two shields with a moisture barrier, eight flannel liners (pads), a small bar of soap, a washcloth, and an instruction sheet all packed into a cloth drawstring bag. At our meetings, we pack the components into the bags, trace and cut pul (moisture barrier for shields), attach snaps to shields, and prepack shields with liners. All sewing is done at home between meetings. An ability to sew is not required to help with this project. A smaller group meets third Fridays, 1-3pm at InventHQ to serge liners. A serger is a specialized sewing machine which uses multiple threads to make a seam which will not unravel, such as the seams on t-shirts. During the past year, we made 243 kits. Most of these kits have been sent to women and girls in Sierra Leone. Several people who are unable to come to meetings have been cutting shields and pockets and attaching snaps to the shields. To register or for more information, please contact Lauri Kiel, (
Faith Links. Faith Links connects faith in Christ to current events and personal discipleship. Faith Links meets Sundays, 10:15 – 11am in Room 203, and all are welcome to participate! Contact Shelley Stanley ( or drop in any Sunday!
Family Night. All families are invited to come enjoy Taco Tuesday themed dinners on the second and fourth Tuesday nights in the Fellowship Hall from 6 to 7:30pm. After dinner, childcare is provided in the Youth Room (for older children) and Nursery (for younger kids) while adults have time to connect and study God's Word, usually discussing the previous Sunday’s sermon. The goal of this group is to create a place of support, socialization, and fun for the whole family. This is a potluck-style meal (with people taking turns bringing different taco bar items) and there is a suggested $5 donation per family to help pay for childcare. We hope your family can make it! Please contact Amy Foster ( if you plan to participate and let her know the number and ages of your children. All families are welcome to come join the fun!
Friday Friends. Friday Friends is a diverse, supportive group of women who meet weekly to learn, share their lives, and pray for one another. The group meets Fridays, 9:30 – 11:30am in Room 203 and all women are welcome to participate! For questions or to register, call Vicki Cromarty at 720-880-5227.
God’s Men. God’s Men meet Wednesday mornings at 9am in Room 201 over a light breakfast for learning, discussion, and fellowship, and they welcome new men anytime. Contact Harvey Burns ( or 303-594-9618 for details or to register – or drop in!
Hiking with Faith. Do you love the outdoors and the opportunity to hike with friends? Hiking with Faith continues this fall with hikes of various difficulty levels. Brian Forman explains, “I am excited to incorporate faith-based learning/discussion with one of my favorite activities…Hiking. It is in nature, and especially the mountains that I often feel the closest to my faith and God. The glory of mountain peaks, rivers and the forests seem to inspire faith-based introspection, togetherness, and conversation with our Creator.” If you want to participate in upcoming easy to moderate hikes with time to reflect and converse, contact Brian Forman at 720-234-5793 or
Homebuilders. The group continues to meet in Room 106 from10:15 – 11:10am each Sunday. Homebuilders is always open to visitors, new members, and to those seeking a Sunday morning small group! Contact Doug Demmel ( for details or to register -- or drop in any Sunday!
Lydia Circle. Lydia Circle is one of the Broomfield subgroups of worldwide United Women in Faith; “We believe love in action can change the world.” Lydia Circle meets the second Thursday of the month, 3:30pm at the church. All women are invited to attend. Expect fellowship, meaningful discussions, and refreshments! Contact Colleen Hayer ( or Myrna Prentice ( to register or for information.
Mary Martha Circle. The Mary Martha Circle of the United Women in Faith meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 9:15am in the Fellowship Hall. This service-oriented group features educational presentations about local mission partners and other interesting topics. The group also does various projects to bless the church and larger community. If you would like to participate, contact Lora Fulton ( for meeting reminders and everything you need to know! All women are welcome. Sign up below to register!
Misunderstood God Group. The Misunderstood God Group is a warm and open-minded group of people who love to read, learn, grow in faith, and support one another on their journeys. This is a politics-free group. The group meets on the first and third Tuesdays of most months, 6:30 – 8pm in Room 203, for fellowship, discussion, and prayer. New members are always welcome, so contact Thomas Cross ( to register or for more information.
Monday Night Men. This group of men meet on the second and fourth Monday of each month, 6:30 – 8pm in Room 203, for learning, spiritual growth, and prayer together, supporting each other in discipleship. This is a politics-free group. We welcome new members, so contact Thomas Cross ( for more information or to join.
Theology on Tap for Men. Theology on Tap is designed for men who enjoy making friends and talking theology over beverages and food in an informal setting. The group meets most months on select Mondays or Tuesdays, 6 – 7:30pm, at local brewpubs for fellowship and discussion. Questions are welcome! If nobody has a topic they prefer, Thomas Cross will share an essay or outline to get the conversation started. This is a politics-free group. Dates for 2024-2025 are Sept. 3 & 30, Nov. 18, Dec. 10, Feb. 11, March 17, April 8, May 19, and June 2. Contact Thomas Cross ( to receive updates on dates and meeting locations.
Tuesday Good News Group. The Tuesday Good News Group meets Tuesdays at 2pm in the Conference Room. The Tuesday Good News Group meets weekly for 90 minutes to discuss Christian books and relate them to life. We conclude with a time of sharing concerns and praying together. We welcome new members! Contact Thomas Cross ( for more information or to register.
Tuesday Morning Glories. The group meets on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11am in Room 201. To obtain additional information or to order a book, please contact Elaine Batten ( All women are welcome!
Viola Lois Circle. The United Women in Faith’s Viola Lois Circle meets the first and third Saturdays of the month from September through May at 8:15am in the church Conference Room. The circle does various book studies such as the Sermon on The Mount. Retired and working ladies are welcome. Contact Jan Dillie ( if you’re interested, want more information, or you’d like to register!
Women’s Book Club. The Women’s Book Club is a causal group of about a dozen women who meet each month to discuss the month’s selected book. Alice Potter explains, “Our reads are primarily fiction and historical fiction, with occasional nonfiction thrown into the mix. Books are chosen by the group by January 1st for the year. An effort is made to select books available in libraries or in paperback to keep costs down, it is not required that you buy each book. We are a very “come as you are” group, no food nor drink served (you can BYO If desired), and no need to dress up! You do not need to commit to being present every month; just show up as you are able. We are a group of avid readers who enjoy the camaraderie of expanding our literary horizons and getting to know each other.” The group meets every fourth Thursday (except November and December) at its new time, 4 – 5:30pm, in the Conference Room. To register and receive updates, contact Alice Potter (
Women’s Renewal Series. The Women’s Renewal Series begins a new book discussion and spiritual practice series this fall: Seeking Wisdom. In this volume of The Artist’s Way series, Julia Cameron shares a mindful collection of prayer practices that open our creative souls. As you journey through each week of the program, you’ll explore prayers of petition, gratitude creativity, and more. Along the way, the three beloved tools of The Artist’s Way – Morning Pages, Artist Dates, and walks – are refreshed and reintroduced to provide a proven, grounded framework for growth and development. Additionally, Cameron introduces a powerful fourth tool: writing out guidance. Seeking Wisdom issues an invitation to step further into exciting creative practice. This series meets Sundays, 12:15pm – 1:45pm, September 8 – October 20 (no meeting on Oct. 13). To register, contact Michelle Howard (
Yoga Class. Are you looking for a Yoga Class? This fall, Amy Foster is continuing a contemplative Yoga Class that includes meditations from the Scriptures in a warm and supportive atmosphere. Sessions will be on Thursday evenings, 6:30 – 7:30pm, in the Family Life Center. The suggested donation is $10 per session. People of all ability levels are welcome to participate. Drop-ins are welcome; please check the schedule as you enter by the office, as a few sessions may be moved. To register and receive all the details, please contact Amy Foster (
Young Professionals Group. The Young Professionals Small Group is a space for people in their 20’s and 30’s to grow together in faith and support one another in community. We strive to create a space where all are welcome and feel like they belong. We want you here! We meet weekly on Sundays at 10:15am during Community Time in Room 101 (downstairs) for focused discussion, and we also plan one or two social outings per month to grow closer together (e.g. hiking, festivals, restaurants, movies, games). Reach out to Jacob & JoAnna Pawlik ( to get involved and receive updates of activities!
Questions or Ideas? If you have any questions or ideas regarding Small Groups, if you’d like to start a new group, or just need help finding the right group for you, contact Thomas Cross at 720-880-5221!